Shed Net

Shade net house or net house is an innovative technique in the field of agriculture. Results of this technique are amazing and it is getting popular very fast. Basically, it is a metallic structure covered by nets or it may be any other woven material. Objective of this net coverage is to allow the required air, moisture and sun light to pass through the coverage. These elements like controlled sunlight, appropriate moisture and air contribute in the optimum growth of plants. This shade net contributes in maintaining appropriate climatic conditions in the desired space. Shade net provides protection to plants from weather disturbances like hail, frost, rain and wind. It also saves plants from pest attack. It is helpful for tissue culture plantlets. While planning a shade house certain consideration like type of crop to be grown and local climatic conditions are very essential. Demand of shade net is bound to increase with increased demand of agricultural goods. This is the part of technological developments in agricultural processes.